Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Movie Classic: Rain Man

I am ashamed to admit that as a long- time movie lover, I only recently saw Rain Man for the first time! This movie was absolutely delightful. The premise is about a yuppie played by Tom Cruise who recently discovers that he has an older autistic brother played by Dustin Hoffman. I don't want to give it away, but during the course of the film, both characters change in a short period of time as a result of that unspeakable bond between siblings. But I think that any viewer would fall for Hoffman's character. Though deficient in his ability to express his feelings and love for others in conventional ways, he is able to pull at the heartstrings of all who come in contact with him. I didn't feel sorry for him, but compelled to be around him because of some inexplicable, intangible thing. You feel as if you are a better person for knowing him- simply by proxy. What's more, no matter how impossible, one hopes to be the one that will change his affective state. As far as the technical aspects of playing an autistic person, I think that further research could have added a sprinkle more to the authenticity of the character, however the essence of the story is not lost in these subtle nuances. I know that each time I watch this movie, I'll gain something new and valuable from it. Grade: A

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Movie Spotlight: America the Beautiful

So far, my movie of the year is documentary, "America the Beautiful" by director Darryl Roberts. In addition to providing excellent insight into our collective concepts about beauty, I may have a biased perspective because I had the opportunity to meet the director at an early screening in Chicago. To begin with, this film highlighted the industries which profit from our ever- elusive quest for perfection. Viewers are made privy to the construction of psychosis which lead all sects to feel less than ____. In turn, we engage in wasteful, even dangerous activities to attain the unattainable. In addition to the movie itself, Darryl Roberts is probably one of the most humble individuals I've ever had the pleasure to meet. He created this film as a fun exploratory project that was to be privately shown to friends. However, the project amassed so much enthusiasm and interests, that it became larger than he could have ever anticipated. He approaches this film without agenda or bias. He allows the interviews to guide him with genuine curiosity. I was blown away by the broad palpability of the subject matter. I was moved enough to take a deeper look into my own ideas about beauty. As a result, I am actively striving to reject external ideals being forced upon me. I seek balance in a world where we are all implicated by the traps of societal standards. I encourage you to watch this film ASAP. What did you think?

JPerspectives Picks 2009

Of all the movies you've watched this year, what movies would you recommend? Who would win your best Actress and best Actor awards? Award guilds often fail to capture the opinions of lay-people! That's you and I. Now here's your chance to have a say in what movies, shows, and music you think deserves acclaim! JPerspectives will hold an annual award ceremony on the same day as the regularly scheduled programs: Oscars, Emmy's, and Grammy's. Why should the opinion of the viewing public weigh any less than fancy- schmancy elitist groups?